Teaching and Learning Reading Group

What does research tell us about which teaching practices work best for student learning? How do people conduct education research? Please join us for regular discussions about teaching, learning, and education research. Our reading group is open to faculty, staff, and grad students. Feel free to join in at any point during the semester. Email Carolyn Aslan ([email protected]) to receive this week’s reading and join the e-list.

We usually discuss one article or book chapter each week, and we will be reading a broad range of research related to teaching practices in different disciplines and for different types of courses. We welcome suggestions for readings. Past topics have included:

  • Active learning strategies
  • Collaborative learning
  • Problem-based learning
  • Gendered behaviors and gender differences in classrooms
  • Teaching as brain changing
  • Exams – free response vs. multiple choice
  • Using computer simulations
  • Measuring equality in student participation in class discussions